Even the coldest rainy day can be turned into a holiday of comfort and warmth. For this purpose,
at DOM N10 we have collected everything for a special Podil hygge: rugs knitted in plait style, soft hugging armchairs, warm white stove.
And our new mulled white and red wines and hot drinks will be a special ingredient this autumn. Order traditional mulled wine with sea buckthorn, tropical one with passion fruit or rich spicy mulled red wine with star anise, cloves and cinnamon.
Instead of the usual coffee this season, we suggest trying red latte, which we brew with rooibos, South African phytotea. It does not contain caffeine at all, but it cheers because it contains antioxidants. We prepare rooibos-latte based on regular and vegetable milk.
We always look forward to seeing you at 10 Spaska Str.
Reservation 067 502 03 54